jeff helmick will make an outstanding judge in the u.s. district court for ohio's northern district. i agree with judge zuhary that -- quote -- "we will find no candidate than jeff." that's why i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to confirm jeff helmick today. the snail pace with which we have been moving on judicial nominations threatens to delay for far too many -- delay justice for far too many americans. right now 15 nominations reported favorably by the judiciary committee will await or are waiting senate confirmation vote. right now nearly one in ten federal judgeships is vacant. earlier this year the nonpartisan administrative office of the courts, the nonpartisan agency charged with running our federal district courts declared a judicial emergency for ohio's northern district. we need to act right now, right now -- today -- to confirm jeffrey helmick. the people of ohio have waited for too long. the result is that litigants in the northern district of ohio are experiencing delays in having their cases resolved, in too ma