>>[notes:13;56:06 start with jeff medium tight, let camera pan down] 45-year-old jeff huntley has cutoods out of his life, he's been working out for 10 years, and is happy with his body except for one area that just doesn't seem to go away. [take sotnumber: grabs waistat: 13:56:16to: 13:56:17duration:0:01]<<"if i turn and you will get a better view...">>[take sotat: 13:56:29 to: 13:56:32duration:0:03] <<"it's like having a life preserver around your waist.">> he's talking about his love handles, muffin top, spare tire.. whatever you call them.. huntley has had enough of them. that's why...[take sot number: nats doctorat: 13:53:57 to: 13:53:58duration:0:01] <>(please don't show full needle going in)... he's undergoing a men's mini-lipo. it targets diet and exercise resistant areas, a minimally-invasive procedure that's growing in popularity among men according to west palm beach plastic surgeon dr. fredric barr. he's applying anesthetic on huntley's side fat... the circles are the areas he wants gone. [take sot at: 14:01:25to: 14:01:35 duration:0:10]<<