i've talked and work with jeff jarvis and also some folks at aspen and the berkeley journalism school on the theme of what are the business models that will help journalism survive to. i am an outsider. i discussed this in a casual way, it focused way, since i used to be an engineer. how do we make the news business thrives because we need a vital news business asking difficult questions so that we can prevent problems like government is going off on foreign misadventures or governments allowing major financial crisis to occur. you ask questions, other people in the news are backing up people like helen to get the job done. i am a dilettante in this. there's a lot of government action going on right now. ha i am the forest gump of the internet. i know enough to see when something is going on that is good and then i will stand up for those activities. today, a new transparency initiative was announced. i will tell people about it. i don't think i'm being a journalist while doing this kind of thing, i am just trying to be a stand-up guy with all of my faults. >> please identify yourself