there's a lot of game on the, with jeff, jeff jeffery bob to germany and agreed, you know, and with mooney agreement and it was all done by your bins. right. and worked with the same think we can, you know, give you all want to have the same argument. you can say that it was made possible campus, at least on both sides of the wall, is that we will not don't, that's as if a going to arguing with, you know, the area. and what is the point of rewriting this history? well what, why do they want to a race rush? the soviet more experience as well the fundamental geo political issue for the, for the, at the anglo. so, you know, the land is, this is to make sure that germany and russia are not united the, it was a, you know, russian raw materials and manpower and in german industry. and so this is why you had them, i mean this goes back to world war one and the few years of, of, of, of berlin baghdad railway, a lot of in, is blowing up the north stream or setting up the military industrial complex. and in the early 19 fifties, because of a dollar flow part problems they really wanted to corps and