my name is jeff john ston and a business owner and my business is a few yards away from jane warner plaza and coldwell banker. my clients see this and they're uncomfortable coming to my office. my clientele is mixed half and half of straight and gay and i don't want to be embarrassed that i chose of being in the castro for my business and where i live. i live three blocks away and have to go by the plaza everyday and anywhere i go. i don't want to see these things and i think the biggest testimony to what you can see about this issue is that lady drug those children in front of you and it was okay with people. i'm a parent and a grand parent and i just was infuriated that someone could drag their seven year old child and repeat something they don't even understand what they said. that's telling about this legislation. please support the legislation and thank you scott wiener for your support of the community and the businesses in the castro. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is gabrielle scutz and lived in the castro for 40 years. i was screamed at about my darkness and sha