jeff mitchell: right, yeah. erika andersen: yeah, okay. diane bliss: erika, in your career, you've worked with organizations large and small, i mean, fortune 500 companies and little local businesses, also profit and nonprofit groups, correct? erika andersen: yes. diane bliss: and do you see a difference in the organizations based on their size or anything, as to applying these principles, or does it work for everyone? erika andersen: it's, in my experience, pretty universally applicable. this is a simple and unusually simple approach. we're saying that no matter whether it's a business challenge or your career, or your personal life, relationships, family, that the essence of it is getting clear about what you want and creating a map, a path to get there, and that's what really this is about. diane bliss: well, that path is wonderfully illustrated in your book, "being strategic." what prompted this, erika, what caused you to sit down and put together this well-organized book? erika andersen: i really just wanted to make it available to mo