joining me now jeff bow dine and rachel nichols. lcome to you both. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> jeff, i'm sure you've seen this video a hundred times. when you look at it, what did it look like to you? >> well, i have an opinion of what happened that night. i mean, it's obvious that kevin walk down the track. most drivers have done that in their career, if somebody bumps them and they got out of their car and shake their fist at them, makes a gesture to show their displeasure. that's what kevin was doing and that's where the mistake was made. obviously, it was an illy lit race track, wearing a black uniform and very hard to see under those conditions. >> the other driver did see him though and swerved to avoid him. stewart didn't appear to see him at all. >> well, and that's a problem with that type of car. they have that big wing on top, and so it's hard to see past another car, and when the car in front of tony swerved, all of a sudden kevin was standing there, you know. tony tried to react, to miss kevin, but obviously that wasn't