about core did they got a lot of hours on this a week we need them twice a week so their president jeff peterson thank you for all the subcontractors that are doing this as significantly reduced rates to make this project a realty so here's jeff from the webb core (clapping.) well, it's a great day we've been planning and being part of rarndz vision and many of the same ways we've partnered up with the city we know as we get a chance to partner want to invest back into the community and we get to build the projects for many places but the main thing we can't do it alone. we bring along our subcontractors as randy mentioned we've got apple engineers and we need to have the help to make that a successful project acknowledge not only for the people that work with us but the small business community we want to go ahead and enter twine with the ownership they have to build something better to give back to the community it's the best way to give back to the community. we're happy to be part of this and the city and the tenderloins effort and, of course, the push to make something happen and is it beco