jeff leach, representative oscar lynn gorey, representative organ meyer, representative joe moody, presented of david spiller and representative to suit. justice harry o'neill, brian, -- mark donnelly, daniel, ross garber, hollingsworth, megan moore, mark white and more. did i miss anyone? thank you. mr. lewis, pinky sir. -- thank you sir. now for the record, i will announce the attorney general's counsel. please rise when i call your name. allison collins, anthony, amy hilton, christopher hilton, caitlin jackson, mitch little, and that he also and -- thank you. you will be seated. i want to first introduce the judges sitting next to me, she will be my legal counsel. i appreciate her giving her time to be here today. she has served with distinction in the dallas area as a prosecutor in a criminal court and on the fifth court of appeals. thank you for being here today. good morning for those of you attending today. a couple of brief remarks in the galley -- gallery. also funds must be turned off, no recordings may be made other than by the media. we must maintain to coram on the floor it all times. we're glad to have you here, but any outbursts by anyone in the gallery will result in your removal