this one that was just granted involving jeff scalings, who was with enron and really became to be a hated figure because when they collapsed, the city suffered enormously, thousands of jobs were lost. so the case has two issues, dishonest service and the venue. on services, his argument is that there really should have and an instruction to the jury that he had to have some kind of intention to profit from this. in other words, if he was just acting in the best interest of the company, he cannot have engaged in a crime. after all, if he was trying to help enron and not himself personally, how was that criminal activity? the court of appeal was divided on that and that was a key issue that the court will resolve this year. the court has not weighed in at venue. venue is the question of where a criminal is tried. skillings said you cannot try me and the city of houston because they have been. so terribly by the collapse of enron and the press has vilified me for years. the brief cited things like a houston chronicle article or column that said, the title was "your tar and feathers rea