my name is jeff schoenfeld. i am the director of clinical and community services for larkin street. i'd like to point out just about the same things everyone else has pointed out to you so far, which is the youth that will be occupying this residence are homeless not of their own fault. 20% of youth coming out of foster care are the youth that are on the streets. that the youth who have been rejected by their families are the youth that are on the streets. so we would love the opportunity and cherish the opportunity to work with these youths and house them and set them on the road to recovery around all the issues that are necessary. not all of them are in recovery or need to be thought of as in recovery. they are our children. they are our brothers. they are our sisters. and we have the responsibility and the joy and privilege of caring for them. so i really support this project and hope that you do, too. thank you. president olague: thank you. >> hello, my name is holly hayes. i'm an employee in the finance department of larkin street youth services. before i worked for them, i wa