political writer jeff shapiro -- >> sometimes ideas are bigger than dollars. also, thinly attended primaries, fewer votes make for big surprises. >> reporter: what may have helped brat most was cantor himself, whose disconnect from the district may have led to his downfall. >> i honestly wasn't very impressed. >> why not? >> too extremist, too close-minded. >> it's a lose-lose situation. happy that cantor lost. i'm not sure how happy i am about the guy that won. >> reporter: it's on to the general election now. this is a strong republican district, it's clear one way or the other, they have traded in one of most powerful politicians in the country for somebody who's headed to the back bench in the house of representatives. >> joe johns, thanks. even congressman -- sorry. even the nominee, david brat, was a surprise at his showing last night. funny thing happening on youtube, after the msnbc interview today, according to tweet from our cnn political commentator, washington correspondent for the new yorker, quote, wow, someone is taking down brat's videos. proba