joining us now is jeff sharlet.of course is author of the book "the family, the secret fundamentalism at the heart of american power" which is now out in paperback. thanks very much for coming back on the show. nice to see you. >> hi, rachel. glad to be here. >> what's significant about this particular magazine running this type of story about the family? >> i think it's even bigger than a schism. this is a moment of reckoning for the family and the kind of elite fundamentalism it represents. on the one hand you see sort of the christian right trying to save itself by cutting off a limb but on the other hand even looking in response to the article, so many readers of "world" magazine saying why did it take you so long to expose this? you see pressure from honest conservatives who are saying, you know, we may disagree with liberals but we agree with democracy. we don't believe in this kind of cult of power and wealth for a chosen few. >> one of the major points of investigation in the article deals with money and you