because the democrats led by senator franken argued that jeff sessions cannot lead this investigation in his capacity as attorney general that sheeed himself. francine: all right, so who will investigate him. are we not the wiser? evening?t until this i'm not sure who we are following, and to the americans care? do the people in the street think this is outrageous? care, yes, people do especially democrats. this is a divided country right now, but amongst trump base, they do not care, and in terms of the investigation, that is where the political implications are interesting because you have a republican in the white house and a republican congress, so it his his party in power. if those democrats are able to put pressure on the republican congress to get action done, then that would be the only way for there to be any type of substantial investigation. tom: 15 seconds, is the border tax debt? businessm not in the of predicting, but i continue it is going to be very hard for that to get through with all the pressures in washington. you.kevin cirilli, thank he will not recuse himself from us tomorrow. this is a joy. william lee jo