. >> thank you so much for coming in and talking with us, jeff skelly. >>> moving on, how about wearing same outfit over eight years? president obama apparently did and no one noticed because he has more important things to do because he was the president of the united states. however, if it were a woman, let's be honest, we'll talk about it when we come back. hen we come back. ♪ ♪ hen we come back. pro-tip. get these great smoked ribs. twenty minutes on the grill, they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? the best food at amazing prices, giant. vo: delivering cleaner, reliable energy... creating jobs for our veterans... helping those in need save money on their energy bills. it takes 16,000 dominion energy employees doing the job. and now, dominion energy is investing $15 billion to build and upgrade our electric and natural gas infrastructure... creating jobs now and for the future. across virginia, we're building an economy that works for everyone and dominion energy is helping pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-