is nobody really in the army of the potomac at the gates of richmond stonewall jackson, james, jeff stuart, d. h. hill, richard, lafayette. they're simply wasn't in the union army those kind of subordinates. so what they needed, if you will, was somebody who could take them somewhere and that man rode out that morning on sunday, june 31st. what did he do it immediately? he did what he would do for the next three years. he went to work. he issued an order immediately saying that all commanders will have their brigades and divisions ready to move at a moment's notice. today's leader, today's leader lee decided that he was going to attack the union army of the potomac and what is critical to understand about this, and i think it's what becomes a hallmark of his next 13 months but arguably as long as he could do it she had assessed, if you will, rationally some have argued that he had that in eight combativeness. miti had. it's hard to measure that. if you remember there is a famous conversation between one of davis's agents and alexander, the future great our tourist and the army, and this ha