jeff sumwa. the commission has the option or can discuss this publicly and then can vote by majority to approve the stipulation. if it does not vote to approve the stipulation, we just ask that it provide feedback to us and not explain what was just discussed in the last discussion, limited to discussing what's within the document. >> president lee: commissioner bush, you had your hand up? or should we open it up to public comment first? commissioner bush? >> commissioner bush: whatever is up to you, chair lee? >> i believe it's up to the commission, but i believe the commission holds discussion and then a motion is entertained, and after the motion is seconded, the commission hears public comment, but you're welcome to do it in whatever order works for you. >> president lee: i see the deputy city attorney shen camera on. >> yeah, so just very briefly, chair lee, so jeff is correct that you do have some flexibility in how you want to proceed with each item. i would say on this particular item, it