it's a massacre. >> the next day, "ap" still photographer, jeff widner convinces a man he just met named kirk to let him camp out in his room at the beijing hotel. jeff shoots photos until he runs out of film, but kirk locates one roll and gives it to jeff. >> i had one roll of film and had to make it last. >> by the morning of june 5th, the siege of tiananmen square is nearly over, and most of the protesters have fled. but there is one act of defiance yet to come. one that will live on forever. >> so i get wakened up by this sound of tanks coming down the street. as i'm looking through the camera, i notice it's really far away. it's a nice composition. there's this nice compression. and some guy walks out. >> from a different floor of the hotel, jan wong is watching the same row of tanks. >> i saw this lone man stepping in front of them. i couldn't believe it. i immediately started crying because i just knew i was going to witness him getting smashed, like hamburger. i see the tank try to go around him. i see him jump to the one side to stop it. i see the tank turn, twist, and try to go