. >> the garage belongs to jeff witt. he is the digital media guy for harley-davidson. can you follow him on insta-. >> jeff, will you be my daddy in. >> so on his son's birthday, he signed it to do something super cool. it was to get this little guy a pretty cool bike. >> what is that? >> i just love what a kind grateful little beautiful guy he is. >> what do you think? >> thank you. >> do you remember when you guys got pitbulls for a birthday in. >> of course not. >> he will remember. >> what am i doing now? >> i have a feeling these guy versus so many memories and you are writing together. this is a true motorcycle family. now this is also making one heck of an impression. that's his daughter. she's in for a treat. it sounds like she's got a really really good grades. it's also her birthday, so he decided to treat her. >> oh what? >> oh, could you be my dad? >> did she get all the as? >> that, my friends, is a parsh that she's about to get. now, he stops her right in front of the car, he removes his hand. she doesn't rush to the car first. she rushes over to dad to gi