that this was outside of our right it right just seemed almost an surfaces of what the jefferson memorial state park right now i'm as you guys to stick around for a little something special because we're going it were to demonstrate this for audience but i promise them before we forget the dancing. that i was going to sing as well and catherine have agreed to help me close of the show with all thing we've we've never done before you got your headphones right like i do ok so regular viewers of the show and fans of the old radio show adam vs the man are familiar with with my passionate distain for the scam known as intellectual property and yes i know i'm sorry as i respond to all the comments about intellectual property the long boring video on your own i might get with this weekend but for all you naysayers out there who still think that using the force of government soon please impede the free flow of ideas is a good thing i have come up with the greatest argument against intellectual property ever are you ready you see no school's out for summer special would be complete without.