herbert winer followed by paul court and then jeffery fang. >> hert -- herbert winer. this is about the old servile line. last week i waited 30 minutes for a bus which finally showed up. i had to walk two blocks to wait for a bus that arrived 30 minutes later. now i don't know if any new things have been ae added to this line it's a long line from downtown to the zoo. it requires more coaches. this has not been the case. instead you have a disaster rows -- disasterous plan comes to fruition. it reports itself, first this and then a tragedy. >> chairman brinkman: next speaker, please. >> paul court, jeffery fang, matthew lane. >> good afternoon. i'm jeffery fang. i was told the person before me wanted to speak after so here i am. i'm a resident of san francisco for 18 years and i am a lyft and uber driver. i understand that cpu c oversees my job per se. i'm here to speak about the over all drive like vision zeros and all the initiative of the board here. often times i feel like there's a target on my back. i know you guys mean good. you mean well. i feel like i am the e