since jeffrey cockburn did roughly by the 27th election, the labor party has come together for its annual conference when it's actually been a head in the opinion polls. and is one thing that we do know about pot leadership is the party leaders tend to be relatively strong when that part is doing one the poll and tend to be in the polls. and do i tend to be rationally weak when they are, converse is true. so probably, you know, despite all the matchings, obasi kissella just by the thought is perfectly clear. while he is somebody whom the public can imagine his prime minister, they don't necessarily have and says the us in the for, in the way, for example, certainly a section of the lecture had for jeremy kobus are not a majority. again, despite dot, because now labor does enjoy chorus has done too late. there isn't much sign of a bounce for the new prime minister list trust. he will actually, in some sense is had moral authority. i suspect on at this conference they, he has done it to the previous ones that he's been presiding of his liter. oh, jonathan, this is very interesting point is