bizarre behavior that we saw in so many other cases of individuals, the charles mansons and the jeffrey dahmerse unabomber. we don't have that, at least that we know of, in his case. that may be determined in the future investigation. his computer records, hopefully, and i know the law enforcement investigators are going to put a lot of stock in getting that computer, being able to crack whatever pass codes he has on there and try to see, hopefully the information will be there, who has he been in contact with, what websites has he gone to, and also socially. ter.asn't been on facebook. or is other website, he may be the person on there. that will be an important thing, because it might lead to other people that he was meeting with or exchanging messages with, that we just don't know about, that his parents wouldn't have known about or other friends. >> we can learn more about his mindset and character, as well. tom, thank you very much, sir. >> thank you, don. >> this is a black mark on our history, but there were brave people who stepped up, making their mark on history. one person is matt m