during his years in prison jeffrey deskovic fought an exhaustive legal battle. often alone writing dozens of letters and filing petitions. it was essentially begging prosecutors to retest herron semen samples recovered from the victim in the case angela correia. he was reading about how codice and you know the d.n.a. databases and you know he just wanted at some point for that to be put in there because maybe the real killer who be identified you know we hadn't done it the district attorney during deskovic cigars aeration was jeanine pirro best known these days as a television judge. pirro consistently denied deskovic so request for a d.n.a. database comparison and no court would order her to change her opinion. deskovic was starting to lose hope. my lowest day i learn that i lost my petition for avis corpus i seeking to have my conviction overturned in federal court i'm argue my innocence martin d.n.a. and the decision comes back that i've lost because the court clerk. rule that my paperwork arrived forty slate. and i get this news while i'm in the special hous