is you who are the key now in this matter and i am ultimately responsible for you i will quote jeffrey dintone godfather of artificial intelligence, he left google to speak and work on minimizing the risks from the development of what he created, he himself realized that he created and now says that everything must be done to somehow minimize possible risks and i want to from literally two minutes, but i will ask you, timothy, about artificial intelligence in medicine and in many other important things, let's say in air traffic control so that planes do not fall to perform operations, to treat deficiency, many other things work here. maybe it is better to work actively with artificial intelligence, this is happening now, and i have an application, for example, for recognizing medical errors in real time, there is an application for recognizing in the analysis of diseases, there is the use of artificial intelligence for the recognition and coordination of various analyzes when doctors may not be able to cover all the information, so here it will be very helpful in such practical areas and it w