which is the show you just saw, is funded to the tune of 20000000 dollars by a man named jeffrey katherine burg. let's do a quick google search here. prepare, pay, pay. pay. pay. pay, pap. oh, there's something from the past few weeks of prominent business man, hollywood mobile jeffrey katherine burn has entered the homelessness debate. katherine berg has met with city council members. as the council voted to impose new anti camping rules, catherine berg urged council members to act quickly on an acting limits on where people can sleep. i'm sure that played no role in the young turks on hinged anti homeless people tirade there. but let's look at the larger picture before the brain, paris side called capitalism took over. most of the natural world was everyone's to roam around in, or even sleep in. it didn't belong to other human. but now there's barely anywhere in the city or even outside a city that is off limits. unless you're a player in the consumer is hunt to buy, spend, eat, rinse and repeat. yeah, the natural world was once upon a time you and me, you do enjoy and exist in in fact, just