welcoming jeffrey kluger. [applause] >> thank you. >> so i mentioned the book "lost moon. " you wrote it in 1994. it's been some time. you do write about space in "time" magazine quite a bit, but storyline, that exciting moment at this point in time? >> the apollo 13 or the apollo 8? >> the apollo 8 book. >> a lot of it came from someone in the audience today, jill, my young adult book editor who has a great book of her own out. she and i were having lunch one day speaking about great yarns, great yarns that could work for kids and work for adults. and the story of apollo 8 came up. and my feeling had always been and has always been that when the great tale of american history, american space history is written, it will be apollos 8, 11 and 13 that are the true benchmark missions. we all know why 11, first footprints on the moon, apollo 13 was the great tale of survival, but apollo 8 was the first time human beings left the gravity field of earth. we have lived for our entire existence as a species at the bott