. >> cathy and jeffrey lamb didn't live in one of the palm beach mansions. jeff was a tow truck driver. cathy worked for the walgreen drugstore chain. >> i liked jeff. he was a good kid, good to cathy, and the main thing was she loved him. >> on june 15, 2004, jeff got home from work around 7:00 p.m. but when he walked inside, he found blood everywhere. >> what's the problem? >> my wife -- wife -- my wife's hurt and there's blood everywhere. >> he was hysterical on the phone. he was crying so much that i think the 911 dispatcher kept referring to him as a woman. >> okay, ma'am, i need you to take some deep breaths, some deep breaths, breathe in and breathe out. okay. now, are you having an asthma attack? >> no. my wife -- my wife is on the floor here. she's bleeding all over the place. >> the blood spatter was completely up one wall behind where her head was, a good five or six feet, and blood spatter was all over a desk and it flew underneath the desk to a wall through the chair. it was a lot of blood and it was very gruesome. >> when the ambulance crew arr