to discuss this issue in greater detail jeffrey m. smith joins me now he's the author of the book seeds of deception hey there jeffrey can you start by breaking this provision down a little bit more for us specifically does it affect will it effects the voters industry they're trying to introduce new genetically modified crops typically they break the laws in order to get these crops to market without doing proper environmental statements and this is why they have to stop the introduction of round if. they had to face lawsuits in court. and it was you know we would stop either direction of sugar beets now wherever i go has. with this provision even if the court tells the u.s.d.a. you have introduced a genetically modified crops illegally and you must stop and introduce a proper evaluation of the environmental impact this measure tells us da that they are mandatory that they're required to go ahead and allow farmers to plant it and wave their finger so to speak at the courts so it actually dismembers the normal balances of power and checks a