estimates for what we spend on prosecuting marijuana cases arresting people, the use of police, jeffrey myron at harvard says 4-5 billion, the aclu says i think 11 billion. you'll get way past 11 billion in harm and damage pretty soon. i mean the estimates are with alcohol, an analogy, is that for every dollar we spend, that we get from taxes, i'll call them taxes, we've got to spend $10 because of the harm done by alcohol. a lot of people believe that that's about the same ratio that you'll have. we don't spend that much. by the way, numbers let's get to these numbers because they're very important. number of people in state prisons for marijuana where that is the most serious offense, marijuana possession, .6 of 1%. .6 of 1%. smoke a joint you're not going to jail. you're not going to jail. now, people plead down. people in federal prisons, federal prison for marijuana, possession is about 1.3, 1.4%. average amount of possession is 115 pounds. that's not just toking up, that's a lot of marijuana. >> host: not a guy's personal use. [laughter] >> guest: yeah, yeah some heavy user. so those nu