jon corzine, former goldman-sachs chief, former governor of new jersey, ruined the state of new jersey but he's giving money, collecting money for the president. and jeffrey dreamworks and so on and on. they collected $375 million in three months towards the billion dollar campaign war chest that the president hopes to get together. >> when your mantra is needs to pay more, is that hypocritical just presidential poeclicy? >> i can't spell it but it's definitely hypocrisy. we lined up to go to the birthday bash in chicago, basically a fundraiser. $36,000 for dinner. another $10,000 to have your picture taken with the president and overflow crowd in hollywood watching v satellite lining up to give money to the president who is bashing billionaires and millionaires. >> they must not mind too much. they're continuing their efforts. >> i'll tell you why it is, we're going to tax income, not wealth. the people doing this, they have accumulated wealth. we don't tax accumulated wealth. no, we tax income for people who are striving. income people. that's what we tax. those are the millionaires, in fact the $250,000 per year earners. that's who the president is goi