for example, jeffrey skilling, who was presided over the collapse of enron. as you may recall, the number of years ago was given 13 years in prison. however, uh elizabeth holmes is likely to appeal her sentence, and we'll have to see what the outcome of that is. i'll briefly when it comes to white color crime, this was particularly audacious, wasn't it? i mean, elizabeth holmes, company at one point was valued at $9000000000.00. so reminders of how we got to this point, it not only what she valued her company a thoroughness valued at $9000000000.00. it was all completely built on, basically a fake ari, the machines that there are nos claimed could diagnose multiple types of human diseases. from a simple pin prick and a sample of blood never worked. ah, she at one time hob nob with celebrities and politicians, and billionaires like rupert murdoch, and was treated to foreign in coverage in the media. but then after some dedicated journalists began digging, the whole house of cards came crashing down. the machines had never work. and in fact, some of the tests t