smith. also joining us, jeffrey toobin, marcia clark, prosecutor in the o.j. simpson trial and author of a new novel. doctor, let me start with you and play a little bit more of what we heard from the medical examiner. and then we'll discuss. >> it's your position that interest are at least three impacts between that head and cement? >> yes. concrete. >> concrete. >> however, and you said it sort of consistent so i'm going to walk through it. i'm not going to use pictures now, let's just chat about it. i think you used the suggestion that if you hit yourself in the nose, it could be all one shot, correct? >> one blow, correct. >> you're not suggests that it was only one blow, correct if. >> no, but consistent with. >> you say consistent with to minimize the number of shots it could possibly be, correct? >> not minimize but if you gave me another scenario, i could look at that scenario and see if it's consistent. >> let me give that you scenario. he gets hit in the nose like this, just like that but it does not go up here. so here is the first shot and here's t