she knew that jeffrey taubenberger was onto something, while she was doing her story. c-span: and there was some kind of a committee or--that--that dr. taubenberger served on with her. >> guest: that's right, because she was trying to get money from the national institutes of health. and there was a big meeting and they were saying, 'ok, so should we give'--she had found what she thought were the bodies of seven miners on a tiny remote island near the arctic circle off of norway. and they... c-span: how'd she find them? >> guest: well, she had gone--she would--she'd been--with ha--it was sort of a coincidence. she had--she'd learned that that was a--an area of permafrost and then she started investigating to see if there might be any bodies there. and she found about these seven miners that had journeyed off from norway to work in the winter in the mines on this little island, and they had gotten sick with the flu on this--on the boat on the way over and died practically as soon as they arrived. she learned that they were buried in marked graves and she learned that--an