because i think this is what jelani is trying to say. many people in the admissions process come into college, many, many, people, receive some kind of special consideration because of where they come, they come from arizona or they come from you know, bell -- belgium or africa. the administrations process takes into account a lot of different things. race and ethnicity two among many. legacies. children of alumni have some special consideration at every college and of the, including mine. the question then, and the differences by the way are not that significant. i mean the qualifications of the students, african-americans, and others coming in are unbelievable. i mean they're in the very top, top category of young people given what we have -- >> [inaudible]. >> so the point is, the stigma is the result of racism. that is the result of a society that views this in a racist kind of way, which is the problem that leads to the policy being justified. so it is not the result, i mean, just very important -- >> real quick. >> we have two more