with us are jen wojtaszek and the man himself, fred lozier. jen: we will make reindeer cakes. your choice of cake on the inside and then decorate with buttercream frosting. adam: always lots of that. jen: love that butter. we pipe up his face. friday's finishing one of the with your family. adam: how busy is it at this time of year at fredericks? fred: very busy. very exciting. everyone loves it. a lot more fun when you are real busy, and we are busy. adam: fred, tell us about the technique with the gingerbread house. what have you picked up to make these things more realistic? fred: well, without the create around the state -- well, we let the decorators create their own things. we give them the freedom to do what they want to do. it works out very well. adam: jen, as you are adding these things in, how do the ranger come together? jen: every thing be edible. that is one of fred's rules. little collar. adam: now, can you get, in theory, blitzn or any other reindeer? jen: this is rudolph. yet, i guess you could. we have the yule log, one of the most popular items at frederick'