poe ne enteaient' n jenenfer goodwin, jason bateman, alala and sharatheyey bring the magic in e animal comedy. >> it is aion- and the relalaonshetwehe there is beautiful meaning. >> it is a fny movie and there is an opmistic character tha un. trying tdo the best they can. >> whwt makes themod is that they bury a lot of thee message underayers of fun and funny thingand beautiful imimations. do for a aeaso p>> this whole experirnce has been@n well-unded and so much fun with hhe human t tm being so wa a td manar, can weo more >>>>>> imagine aorld w wno humama and every mammal has t same l lelf hum intelligence and they live e beautul metropolis. animals and d r animals. livi i it andnd differentnt citiesith rul. >> thihiis exciting and inin th i have seen every disney movie andd never one like this. the charactersre vibrant and i am an animation dork w is happyyo o i ithis movie.. force of pdators. >> it is good and its a proud it, if yououere a part of it. >>>> he helpethe martian g backo lat earth and he now,he w wine e fire. >> he will be hehein up an instigatio >> allow me to intduce