that is going to continue to be like the jeng ga game, pulling that piece out. the third one is choice. you were choice of doctor. people are starting to see how narrow their choices are going to be. the fourth one is the legal challenges which are mount up. when the supreme court decides to look at one key part of it, that also makes it more difficult to get on message and stay on message if their policy isn't working out. >> i counted five things. >> well, you know, that was a bonus. bonus round. >> so eric they said 125,000 people signed up versus a prediction of 800,000. that's like a pitcher's batting average. >> i'll take it one step further. what they're saying now that it's working or 80% of the time is that they can handle 50,000 people at a time and they hope to handle 800,000 in a day. a little point of reference, fedex will deliver 22 million packages today. amazon website handled 1.1 million requests per hour. processed last thursday 400 million page views. and ebay will have over 4 million page views in a day. so nowhere near what the p