diff, jenn cooper, this fecal transplant procedure was her only hope. hi. can you tell me when you first got sick? - i first got sick a feyears back when i'deen hospalized with gall bladder infection, which turned into a blood infection. so they put me on extremely strong antibiotics. all the antibiotics i had just killed all that good bacteria in my tummy. and finally i got diagnosed with c. diff. - what were your symptoms of the c. diff? - i'd go to the toilet 15 times a day. the exhaustion was just crippling, so, so much fatigue. i would spend days in bed. it messed wi your head it messed with your body it was just, it was a nightmare. - so it really did flip your life upside down, having this condition. - , absolute, you just get to a point where you're so over it, you just want help. - [julia] but the fecal transplant had a tremendous impact, as beneficial bacteria kept the c. diff infection in check. - i feel like a different person, i feel years younger. i have energy, it's above and beyond what i thought it would do. - oh, well, i'm wishing you all