it's not the 1st time they'd had to do this. jenna marina, it was evening. around 7 o'clock, i heard noises and children starting to flee suddenly. the rebels were attacking in the direction of our health center that was shouting. the children shouted, the adf rebels are here. the army says the adf or allied democratic forces is responsible. it's widely blamed for killing thousands of civilians in italy, province over the last decade, who wave women as you see in the country. it's always the same adf, which always has bad intentions towards the congolese. so they showed up here in the village of mc condi, we lost many of our brothers. 2 years ago the government declared a state of siege. here a form of martial law is said, it would enable a crackdown on the armed groups that the attacks have only become more frequent and more bloody. you see in the past here 3 or 4 days don't go by without us recording death. the results of barbarity from adf terrorists. that is why once again, we repeat, we need considerable military force to come, that can contribute to th