part of that, madam president, is the jenna quinn law. this bipartisan piece of legislation that i introduced with senator hassan over a year and a half ago to help identify and stop child sexual abuse in communities across our country has passed the senate unanimously but stuck in the house of representatives. nationwide there are more than 42,000 survivors of child sexual abuse, adults now. 42 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse. sadly these victims -- victims often stay silent for days, months, years, even a lifetime. as a result, they and countless other victims continue to be abused. we need to stop this cycle as quickly as possible and that's why the jenna quinn law is so important. it is modeled after 2009 texas law which requires teachers and caregivers and other adults who work with children receive training on how to identify and report child sexual abuse. after the texas law passed in 2009, one study found educators reported child sexual abuse at a rate almost four times greater after the training than they got during