and jennette cordova taking the picture. this could be the first time in history that a high school prediction came true. >> the class clown usually ends up a rapist. it happened to me. >> that's terrible. >> we all want the authorities here. >> here is an interesting -- people are blaming all sorts of people. people can't relinquish the fact that some guy did something wrong. >> but he says it is like new. he laid it on her. >> maybe she was partly responsible for it. >> this is ridiculous. >> he blamed the wife. >> that was somebody who was denying the re-- reality of the wife. >> it is not the way to go, is it. it is not the way to go. you have to feel sorry for the wife. the wife had a bad couple weeks in politics, it has to be said. >> bill, the -- it is a moral tee tale. the real morality here is that women have a really strange power on men to make them do stupid things. it doesn't matter what position you were in. somehow guys do these things. >> i don't want to put the focus back on us, but it was a way worse month