so instead of dialing 1-800, jennifer brauer opens her twitter app. that includes the time she bought a "wanna get away" ticket from southwest. when she called customer service she was told they couldn't do anything for her. so jennifer started tweeting.... usf professor kelli people always have their phones or tablets with them, it's easy to post about problems. that's why companies like southwest has a team tracking social media 24 hours a day. alaska airlines is the fastest at reacting to social media posts with an average time of 2 minutes and 34 seconds. and the quick response, makes way for a positive post instead. of sending tweets about her flights, and not having to listen to that elevator music, jennifer got much more than just a direct message from the airline. allison kropff, 10 news wtsp companies know that when they respond-- and it's a positive experience for you-- it creates loyalty and you're likely to share that on your social media. they help santa deliver presents! and now they have a task of their own: delivering pizza! believe it