and this is where former delegate jennifer carrol foy grew up.o her earlier today, she talked about some of the grit and resilience it takes to make your way out of a place like petersburg and she became one of the first women to ever graduate from the virginia military institute. she became a public defender and now she's running for governor and could be the first black woman governor in the entire country. i spoke with her earlier today about how the race is going, where things have sort of shaped out. take a listen to what she told me. >> so, i think that in the past, we had a lot to vote against. donald trump, his rhetoric, his divisiveness but now virginians are looking for something to vote for, not only for this historic moment to elect the first black woman governor in the history of our country, but to also set the narrative and the tone and tenor that we are no longer going to, you know, have a society that's rooted in hate and divisiveness and that type of rhetoric. so we're moving forward. >> reporter: you hear there, alex, there is,