enforcement meeting that the city attorney puts on and we did hear the same and the city attorney jennifer choi has already sent a letter to the property owner and she thought that it ended up the situation but she was aware as well it continued so she's on the case. >> thank you. >> commissioner lee. >> what happened to the - i thought there was a party bus pickup area down below the hill. >> if there are buses that go down the streetcar not in the toy away zone those are the ones not contacting usually the club contracts me but sometimes they go down broadway past that, you know, the 4 hundred and 5 hundred block i've seen them go as far as sanderson street. >> so when they contract you shouldn't the club tell the bus there's an area i guess there's no official area but some of the other clubs were sending them down to the bottom of the hill for unloading. >> that's correct. we have not heard of that many problems latest as far as that goes sometimes they're dropping off for an area but the clubs are not calling us and saying hey >> is there anyway to communicate to the cv d that would allevi