and i'm deeply excited about the conversation we are about to enjoy between fatima shaik and jennifer eagan on economy all -- "economy hall" the hidden history of a free black brotherhood. fatima and jennifer please take it away. >> hello fatima. hello everybody. thank you so much for being with us. i'm incredibly excited to have a chance to spread the word about this remarkable book which i've been talking with fatima about for some years now. which has surpassed my every expectation in being a work of history that is covering a lot of ground and of tremendous importance and yet it's so readable and fun. i thought it's a very complex work and i thought maybe the best place to begin would be where you began fatima in your deduction. tell us how this book came to be. it's a story that begins with your father. >> thank you jennifer and thank you to everybody. i found some journals and he found them in the 50s. i was already a writer but i was looking for something to write about. i looked in the closet of "the wall street journal" and realized this was history. >> can you describe what are th