i'm joined in the studio by spokeswoman for republicans overseas, jennifer ewing. m also joined here in the studio by kwasi kwarteng, former conservative chancellor, and lloyd russell—moyle, a regular on this show and former labour mp. now, jennifer, i think you're one of those people that did stay up through the night. can you tell? well, i mean, given that you're republicans overseas, you probably had to. well, yeah. what did you make of it all? >> i thought it was full of everything and it was actually full. it was longest speech in modern times to congress. in fact, one of the democrats actually got kicked out of the chamber. but what was really interesting, the thing that surprised me more than anything, was the network cbs, not known to be trump lovers in any way at all, and they published this poll shortly after the debate. 76% of people in the cbs poll approved of what the president said, with 23% disapproval. and i don't know exactly what sample cbs used, but the fact is they put it up there, a mainstream broadcaster. and that is a pretty remarkable result.