. >> and joining me now to talk further about efforts to end homelessness are jennifer freedenbach with the organization coalition on homelessness. city supervisor scott weiner, and dr. barry zevin, medical director of the outreach team. thank you all for being here. we just saw from that piece, it's such a difficult dilemma, one that the city has been grappling with for decades. jennifer, there's been a lot of focus on the super bowl. i just want you to address real quickly sam dodge, the homeless czar, saying there are no instructions to move people out of view for the super bowl. what do you make of that statement? >> we've been hearing that a lot from people in the mayor's office. we've been hearing that from the brass and the police. but we've been hearing the opposite from homeless people themselves. and so, you know, we're getting two different stories from groups of people that we really trust. for homeless people, over and over again, what they're telling us is that they are being forcibly moved by police. they're especially concentrating on areas that are the entrances to the