jennifer friedenbach. i would like to make a change. is it okay to go to item no. 11 before ms. frieden en bach comes in. >> thank you. i will keep my report pretty similaring today. i think that cochair supanich has covered the ada celebration nicely. i will skip that. i wanted to tell you a little bit about the city hall centennial and the u.s. conference of mayor's. you might have noticed as you walked in the civic center plaza is set up for a big party, this is the celebration of the 100 anniversary of city hall and the conference of mayor's san francisco is hosting and president obama was here at the hotel. as we leave this afternoon, you may see them gathered. they will be here in the building for a big gala this evening. there are many break a ways and conferences taking place over the next few days. city hall, when we think about the centennial, what makes me the proudest when we look at this palace is to think about how accessible it is and how successful we were able to make a qualified structure and that is represented by not only in this room where we sit in where the counci