jennifer friedenbach was right. you don't hate the person, you hate the disease. the reason why i called this hearing is because i hear over and over again, and i see over and over again people suffering in our hospitals, going in and out on 5150 holds. whether you like it or not, they're going in on 5150 holds because what they're doing on the street is causing them to be taken to the hospital, and they need that care and my point in calling is not about sb 1045, it's not about locking people up. that's not what this hearing is about. it's about how do we get our departments, our city departments, to coordinate better. how do we think about coordinated exit? how do we help the person that's leaving p.e.s.? how many more type of beds do we need? how many beds? that's what this hearing is about, because if we don't look at that -- at those investments, we're just going to keep doing this over and over again, which is the definition of insanity if we don't make any changes. so that's why i called this hearing. we need to understand what the departments are doing bet